BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About Web Access > Working with hybrid documents > Viewing hybrid parts

Viewing hybrid parts

Web Access allows you to view the parts that comprise a hybrid document and to view individual parts like any other document in the vault.

To view the parts of a hybrid document:

  1. Display the property pages for the hybrid document for which you want to view its parts.
  2. Click the Hybrid Parts tab in the upper right corner of the page. The Hybrid Parts page appears, listing the names of the hybrid parts attached to the selected document.
  3. Select the hybrid part that you want to view. The Document property page for the selected part appears.

Note    No custom property pages appear for hybrid parts, the same as for PowerUser. Hybrid parts adopt the property values of the main document to which they are attached.

  1. On the Document menu, select Show Document. The hybrid part is shown in a viewer window.
  2. Click Close in the upper right corner of the window or click the Close button in the lower right corner of the window to close the viewer and return to the Document property page.

Related concepts

Working with hybrid documents

Related tasks

Importing hybrid documents

Attaching parts to a hybrid document

Detaching parts of a hybrid document

Downloading hybrid parts

Uploading hybrid part content

Renaming hybrid parts

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